
"I Was Able To Use Social Media To Cash A
 Rolls Royce Wraith By The Time I Was 21 Years Old"

Abdul Ilyas: 

"My name's Abdul Ilyas and I LOVE helping aspiring entrepreneurs build their own profitable marketing agencies, sign clients from all over the world and build a lifestyle that they can be proud of and truly enjoy.

I've helped over 5000 people generate an additional income stream, allowing them to live life on their own terms!

Over the past 18 months, I've been able to really refine this process down to a simple system which can yield incredible results for businesses in almost any niche.

And now, my passion is all about serving other people. I want to help those who may be in a similar position to the one I was in when I started.

There is nothing in this world which makes me smile more than receiving messages from friends and students around the world, telling me that they've used my strategies to sign clients who are now paying them every single month."

Like most young people in this day and age, Abdul Ilyas took the traditional route in life, he started an apprenticeship, passed his level 3 in Accounting and Finance.

Everything was going according to plan if you were looking in from the outside, especially when Abdul secured a radiography position at the mighty Rolls Royce. But Abdul soon realized he wasn't satisfied or happy with his job at Rolls Royce. He was just a cog in the machine, working 80 hours a week to make someone else rich. His boss and corporation didn't care about him, they only cared about what he could do for them.

His opinion was only furthered when his team leader made him choose between his position at Rolls Royce and an online side hustle he was chasing at the time. Abdul says, "Management quickly realised I was losing focus and wasn't as enthusiastic. Even though I was still carrying out my work at a good quality, they didn't like the fact that I wasn't completely focused."

He knew this was not what he wanted out of his life. So, he quit. He started exploring different ways to earn money and fulfil his life. He came across the information on affiliate marketing and launched his first social media brand a short time later. Soon, Abdul started multiple online businesses and shared his successes and failures with an ever growing community of his followers. After no more than two years, he was able to retire, and he will never have to worry about money for the rest of his life. He became financially free.

Better yet - at 21 years old Abdul Ilyas became the youngest to cash a Rolls Royce Wraith, paying homage to his time at Rolls Royce which led him to making a life changing decision. He says "I was going through my snapchat memories, as one does at night. And I came to the realisation that it had been 2 years to the day that I had left Rolls Royce. So the next day, I woke up and decided to purchase a Rolls Royce Wraith."

Now, through the power of the internet, he is teaching people young and old the most in-demand skills online and showing them how to take back control of their lives. His student community already passed over 5,000 people with different backgrounds, origins, ages and education levels, all of them on the way to financial freedom.

I only allow a LIMITED amount of new students into the program!

Inside this program, I explain in detail the methods I've used to sign clients, providing myself & my family with financial freedom and allowing my students & I to quit our full-time jobs & travel the world.

This is a step-by-step guide, teaching you how to start your own marketing business and escape the 9-5 in less than 60 days. Every video has its place. These methods are tried & tested by myself.

I did things wrong to begin with. I struggled at first to get clients. I was unsure how to get results. I was in the exact same boat that you might be in right now. But eventually, after hundreds of hours of trial and error, everything fell into place and clicked. Now I'm giving you the formula.

I built my business without any kind of formal education, while working a job for 15 hours a day and reaching out to potential clients on my breaks. There are no excuses. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from implementing these techniques to grow and scale a successful, 6-7 figure Online Marketing Agency.

Now You're Left With Two Options...

Option #1: The first option is to leave this page. Go back to whatever you were doing before. Continue trying to figure things out yourself while wondering 'what if'...

Option #2: The second option is to make today the day that you finally take charge of your life. Make a small risk-free investment and get instant access to everything you could possibly need to begin making money online now.

The only way you can lose out is by not taking action. If you've reached the 
point where enough is enough, you're ready to pull the trigger and willing to hustle to take control of 
both your time and your income...

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Abdul Ilyas are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Abdul, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Abdul Ilyas Masterclass. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Abdul Ilyas Masterclass are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services.